
Settleverse is a MEME project! In the background a gamified yield-generation protocol runs that owns its liquidity and aims to become a browser-based gaming experience for users that enjoy earning sustainable stable passive income and enagaging in a simple, yet fun game to boost their yield.

Is STLR something new?

While Settleverse is not a direct fork of any project, we were inspired by other passive yield-generation platforms in the crypto space. Our entire codebase is made from scratch by our own developer and has extensive functionality not yet seen in any other decentralized finance protocol. Our goals are also to develop an exclusive reflection mechanism that will reward loyal supporters and provide cross-chain capabilities.

The reason for STLR development

The STLR team saw an interesting opportunity in combining passive income with gaming while maintaining the status of a MEME project.

The basic concepts of yield-generation protocols are very attractive since owners need only to invest and earn, but what if you could boost your earning percentages, farm, auto-compound into new settlements, and trade them? Let's explore it together!

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